German Acoustical Society (DEGA)
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In addition, please find a brief overview of DEGA in English on this page.

The German Acoustical Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik, DEGA) was founded in 1988. Up to now, the (non-profit) society experiences a steady growth. Presently there are about 2,000 personal members (individuals), as well as more than 70 sustaining members (companies) and 16 honorary members.
DEGA members are active in science, research and also in consulting and manufacturing.
DEGA is the main organizer of the Annual German Conference on Acoustics, called "DAGA". With more than 1,000 delegates and more than 500 contributions, DAGA is perceived as the annual highlight in acoustics in Germany. Proceedings of DAGA conferences are published online on this website.
Furthermore, DEGA organizes symposia and training courses in specialized fields of acoustics.

DEGA members are active in 12 technical committees, labelled as follows:
- Building and Room Acoustics,
- Electro-Acoustics,
- Vehicle Acoustics,
- Auditory Acoustics,
- Noise (Effects and Protection),
- Education in Acoustics,
- Musical Acoustics,
- Physical Acoustics,
- Acoustics of Speech,
- Flow Acoustics,
- Ultrasound, and
- Virtual Acoustics.
These technical committees organize specialized workshops and symposia in their fields and they are active in promoting
standardization and education.
Two further subsections of DEGA are the
- "Young DEGA", providing a network for students and young researchers who are interested in acoustics, and the
- "Noise Control Association of DEGA" (ALD), providing public information and technical advice in all fields of noise abatement.
As a special event, DEGA coordinates the annual "Noise Awareness Day" in Germany, high-profile in media,
with more than 100 single events.
Once per year, DEGA awards the
- "Helmholtz Medal" for lifetime achievements in acoustics, the
- "Lothar Cremer Award" for outstanding achievements of young academics, and
- Student Awards.
Two new awards have been introduced in 2021 in the fields of sound abatement und room acoustics.
DEGA also supports students and young researchers with several travel grants.
DEGA members receive the European journal "Acta Acustica", the society journal "Akustik Journal", and the European newsletter "EAA Nuntius".
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